Trivia and Pasta Night 2023

Post Event Review November 29-2023

The Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region hosted a wonderful evening of food and trivia at St. Benedict’s Catholic Secondary School on November 17.   Guests ate well, and responded with great gusto to what was a broad spectrum of trivia subjects.  The event was a fundraiser for the Foundation’s emergency food card program across Cambridge WCDSB schools and the results fully met expectations.   There is clearly an appetite to host a similar event again, and we will do so somewhere in the Region. Follow this site for details and other news of our work in our community and schools. Thank you to all who supported and participated, in particular the hospitality staff at SBCSS!

Coming soon...

The CCFOWR will hold a Trivia & Pasta Night on Friday, November 17 at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School in Cambridge.  As a Charitable Organization our  event will directly support our Cambridge students and families.  The success of this event like others sponsored by the CCFOWR is directly tied to the support we receive from the regional community.

Over the past three years, the CCFOWR has distributed in excess of $1.25 Million in grants and financial assistance to our schools and the community.  That support has been most visible in the distribution of over $150,000 in food gift cards to families in need since 2021 when the initiative started.

We are reaching out to you in hopes that you will participate in the event by enrolling a team of eight (8) trivia enthusiasts who will also appreciate a fine pasta dinner!  Please find details in the flyer available below and by visiting our website at Trivia and Pasta Night | Catholic Community Foundation of Waterloo Region (

Your consideration of this request is very much appreciated and we express our thanks in advance for being a part of our success story in supporting our schools, parishes and community.

Flyer Download